Medical emergencies often require an ambulance for care, particularly if a person's overall health and well being are at serious risk. However, common situations, such as slips and falls, may not seem serious enough to keep this kind of care. That isn't always the case, as some people may need immediate medical attention from an ambulance if they fall.
Slip and Fall Injuries Can Be Dangerous
Slips and falls are among the most common types of injuries a person can suffer because it is very easy to trip and the types of injuries that they cause can be very problematic.
The protective cartilage that covers the ends of bones often wears down when people age. This condition is referred to as osteoarthritis and can result in painful joints, which may make it difficult to walk or climb up and down stairs. If you have been diagnosed with osteoarthritis and your condition is steadily worsening, your doctor may have mentioned knee replacement surgery. Be aware of what to expect with this type of surgery, including the recovery phase.
Manual therapy is a combination of joint manipulation like a chiropractic treatment, massage therapy, and physical therapy. The therapist uses their hands to knead and soothe the muscles while gently moving the joints if they are out of alignment. They will also perform range-of-motion exercises with your limbs and extremities. Most people like to have a manual therapy treatment to relax and ease some pain they may be experiencing. It is good for both chronic pain and acute pain, and can be very helpful after an accident or injury.
There are several types of foot problems that more often occur in people with diabetes. With more knowledge about what to look for when monitoring your feet, it will be easier for you or your caregiver to spot changes.
Toenail Changes
In diabetics, the toenails are more likely to change in thickness and also become brittle. If you are not routinely clipping your toenails, the longer they grow, the harder they will become to trim.
While some injuries will happen spontaneously as you play your favorite sport, many of them are avoidable if you simply take the right precautions. If you are about to begin a new sporting season and are concerned about getting injured, here are some of the best tips for preventing injury.
Plan Recovery Time
Whatever sport you play, it is not good to train seven days per week. You should plan to take at least one day off every week.